SleepGuardian by Anesthesia Connections provides in-office anesthesia procedures for patients undergoing a variety of medical or dental procedures. Our anesthesia practice is made up of board-certified anesthesiologists, and our primary goal is to ensure safety and comfort during your procedure. Our medical team has experience caring for adult and pediatric patients in the office and the ambulatory surgical center setting, and we look forward to delivering the highest standard of anesthetic management.
Contact our team at 844.904.4742 to learn more about whether you are a good candidate for in-office anesthesia, the centers we partner with, and how our services ensure your safety and comfort throughout the procedure. And read below for answers to several billing FAQs.
Where does SleepGuardian by Anesthesia Connections provide services?
We work with a wide variety of specialties across the country. We offer office-based anesthesia for dentists, gynecologists, and other medical offices.
What does SleepGuardian by Anesthesia Connections provide?
SleepGuardian provides the anesthesia service for your surgical procedure.
How does SleepGuardian by Anesthesia Connections work with insurance?
One of the most common billing FAQS is how our services are billed by insurance. SleepGuardian bills your health insurance carrier for the anesthesia service and the anesthesia service is a separate and distinct claim from any surgical claim issued to your health insurance carrier by the physician specialist. If the anesthesia service is not a covered benefit provided by your health insurance carrier, you are responsible for the anesthesia service balance, and you are mailed a bill for the anesthesia service. SleepGuardian accepts personal checks and Master or Visa card payment. We recommend that you speak with your insurance provider to learn more about whether or not this coverage
Who do I contact to determine if my health insurance carrier provides coverage for anesthesia services?
Please contact your insurance provider for more information.
Who do I contact with questions about an anesthesia service bill from SleepGuardian by Anesthesia Connections?
Call Abeo Medical Billing at 877-595-0159, and please reference SleepGuardian as your anesthesia provider.
How is the anesthesia service billed and what can I expect to pay?
The anesthesia physician service is billed on a time and complexity basis. The billing code generally used for GYN anesthesia services is 00952, and the normal units of care range from 6-8. Each unit of care is charged at $100 per unit, so the total fee for anesthesia services would generally range between $600 to $800 before insurance payments and allowances. In our experience, anesthesia service is an in-network benefit, if your gynecologist is a network provider with your insurance plan. This insurance rule is called the “RAP” rule (Radiologists, Anesthesiologists & Pathologists) where a patient generally does not choose this specific provider. Occasionally, claims may be paid as out of network, and in this instance, we contact your insurance provider for reconsideration of the claim according to the RAP rule. It is often beneficial for patients (or primary insured individuals) to contact the insurance carrier to request an Explanation of Benefit (EOB) form.
How do I submit payment for the anesthesia service?
Phone Option: Call Abeo Medical Billing (877.595.0159) and pay by credit card.
Online Option: Click here for our online payment portal.
Mail Option: Abeo Medical Billing
Attention: Anesthesia Connections
P.O. Box 890162
Charlotte, North Carolina 28289
*Please make payment to SleepGuardian and include your account number if available, full name, date of service, date of birth, and a return phone number.
Contact SleepGuardian by Anesthesia Connections for More Billing FAQs
If you have further questions, contact our team at 844.904.4742.